Althyria's Blog

Althyria's Cause

Recede water recede

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The flood of the Midwest has me thinking about my earlier years and hanging out at the locations of where the water is rising.  Every year my family and or the church and I would have picnics at Riverside park there in Sioux City Iowa.  I hear the waters are rising there.  I am sorry to hear of this travesty and hope and pray the waters will resede sooner than later. 

Then the Dakota Dunes, South Dakota.   I remember being over there on several occasions  just hanging out with friends at a park nothing special just a memory now.  Again, I hope the waters resede sooner than later.

South Sioux City, Nebraska,  across the bridge and the Missouri river on that side is flooding to I hear.  I am sorry and hope that the waters will  indeed recede sooner than later. 

Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska the great Tri-States our prayers are with you  on this day.         

Written by althyriawilliams

06/09/2011 at 6:10 am

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Althyria’s Cause

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Hello!  Thank you for reading my blog.  I don’t have any particular one or main theme.  I will be blogging based upon the thought of the day.  Enjoy, let’s  BLOG!

What Benefit does Exercising Provides 

Exercise the topic thought of the day.

Why is it necessary to exercise?

Recent studies have shown, people who are constant in this regimen, are more energetic, and possess a ray of light with a level of confidence that say “I am disciplined”.


Of course, exercising alone will not produce everything that the body needs to function at its best.  A balanced diet is also important to provide you with optimal results.  I am a firm believer “you are special”.  We eat to live and not live to eat.


Most important, meditation, some say prayer or revelation acknowledgement of the Higher Being to be a vital part of ones existence.  In conclusion, exercising, proper diet and constant awareness will promote a healthier  you!


Thank you for reading my first blog, I hope you enjoyed it.  Be on the lookout for my second blog, soon to come.

Have a productive, energetic day!

Althyria Williams

Written by althyriawilliams

05/03/2011 at 9:11 pm

Posted in Uncategorized